Implications of a Terraformed Venus

While the planet Earth remains primarily in its natural state, the fate of our planet is yet to be determined. As we continue to develop and pollute the natural habitats that once existed, it may only be a matter of time before our planet becomes uninhabitable due to irreversible damage. On the other hand, many scientists believe that we are able to terraform Venus by creating an atmosphere suitable for life.

Venus is 38 million kilometers away from Earth at its closest point. This is the closest that any planet comes to Earth. The farthest that Venus ever gets from Earth is 261 million km.

implications of a Terraformed Venus

However, let’s assume that Venus got terraformed at some point and was close enough to the “habitable zone” of the solar system.

With Venus being a 2nd blue marble on the solar system the following would most likely happen:

  • Political and economic will would fund like crazy to space organizations to make future missions to Venus.
  • Venus being a potential place to live can grant human colonies to be made and possibly reduce overpopulation.
  • The possibility of confirming life being possible other than Earth. Complex organism would most likely be found in the oceans.
  • Mars would get less attention since Venus is now a more viable option to settle humans.
  • Natural phenomena would be studied rigorously and be compared to that of Earth.
  • Venus would probably have similar organisms to that of Earth. (Assuming they have nearly identical chemical compositions)

Realistically, that would never happen. Venus would have to get rid of its thick greenhouse atmosphere and would need to get further away from the Sun.

The problem with that is essentially that if a planet gets too close with each other their orbits become unstable. It could potentially make them crash or make them be torn apart depending on tidal forces.

Venus has a slow rotation, too hot, no liquid water, and is chemically different than our own Earth.

It would still be very Venus-like even if shared with the orbit of Earth. That’s just how its composition is.

At 880 degrees Fahrenheit, the planet is hot enough to melt lead. It is also home to sulphuric clouds that rain acid and a brutal atmosphere comprising 96 percent carbon dioxide. Meaning? "If you were to stand on the surface of Venus, you would be crushed," — Dodson-Robinson

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